Another Great Small Business Investment: Mamma Chia

A great write-up by Renewal friend, Dal LaMagna, on Mamma Chia, a Renewal investee.

Another great small business investment: Mamma Chia
By Dal LaMagna
Huffington Post, May 19, 2011

Though I am still suffering from my addiction to trading in the stock market (see my twitter feed to follow my compulsive trading), I continue to celebrate Small Business Week by announcing my recent investments in small business. I have found and invested in another new small business which is run by passionate, competent and honest people. This investment leaves me less funds for trading and makes me feel better because I'm doing something constructive with my investment money rather than using it to play the stock market casino.

Mamma Chia, an organic chia‐based food and beverage company based in San Diego, has launched its first‐to‐market, vitality beverage whose taste, appearance, nutritional value and story make it in my opinion one of the most exciting new food products in years. Chia seeds, an ancient grain, were used by both the Mayans and Aztecs for their amazing energy and natural healing powers. Rediscovered by a new generation of health‐conscious consumers, chia has exploded as the new super food. "It's the world's healthiest whole food," says Wayne Coates, PhD, professor emeritus at the University of Arizona. These extraordinary little seeds are packed full of nutrients such as 8x more Omega‐3 than salmon, 30% more antioxidants than blueberries, 4x more fiber than flaxseed, as well as 70% more protein than soybeans. Chia seeds naturally deliver powerful health benefits that speak to a wide variety of consumer needs, such as quick athletic recovery, heart health, fortified immune system and weight management. The beautifully bloomed chia seeds are suspended throughout a blend of organic fruit juices, giving it a unique depth and glow. Mamma Chia is a fun and refreshing drinking experience with exceptional taste and nutrients, and an enjoyable texture that differentiates it from all other beverages.

Click here to read the full article.