Renewal2 Investment Company, Alter Eco, in New York Times

On June 23rd, Alter Eco, a Renewal2 portfolio company, was featured in the printed Edition of The New York Times.  The article presented Alter Eco as a successful social venture that is able to attract “talented people” and specifically names Alter Eco's VP of Sales Kate Tierney as a prime example.  Writer Susan Moran explains how “tough times may be increasing interest in social ventures” and uses an Alter Eco as an example of a firm that supports “companies that are doing the right thing right from the start”.

Renewal2 Featured in the Globe & Mail on "Investing for Change"

Renewal2 and one of its portfolio companies Alter Eco Americas were featured in the April 21st article "Investing for Change: A new capitalism, coloured green." Written by renowned business journalist, David Ebner, the article features Renewal Partners high impact investment work and the extension of this work with the launch of the Renewal2 investment fund, a fund that focuses on the green
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