The Tides Renewal Centre at Flack Block

Photos by Lynne Whenham

Martha Burton has put together an extraordinary team and design for the 31,000 feet of (to be) LEED certified office space build out. Developer Robert Fung of Salient, handed over the keys this past week, so Shelley Penner of Penner & Associates can project manage us to our new home before year end.

Many of you have asked about leasing space with Renewal, Tides, Hollyhock, and other colleagues. You've been patient with us as Vancouver's construction boom slowed down our timelines of projected move in, and pushed costs around such that we simply haven’t been able to quote prices, but we're close now.

We are still fine tuning how all our meeting rooms, open space cafes, tech systems, bike room and showers, and all the other amenities will work and how much they'll cost. But much progress has been made. Lynne Whenham and Steve Ballegeer at Renewal will be helping me with leasing efforts and Murray Braaten's group at Lando, our real estate lawyers, will help ensure all the i's and t's get covered.

Go take a look if and when you're around Vancouver. It's the Victory Square corner of the Woodward's block, Cambie and Hastings. The fully restored exterior stonework is phenomenal. Three cheers to Salient for taking such care in the restoration of one of Vancouver's oldest office buildings.

Wish us well as we navigate this construction project over the coming months. We can’t wait to move into our new home.