Great Bear Rainforest Milestone

Great Bear Rainforest AgreementWe are extremely pleased to report that one of the most critical milestones towards protecting the Great Bear Rainforest has been achieved.

On Tuesday March 31st 2009, the Province of British Columbia announced formal action to realize its commitment to implement Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) in the Great Bear Rainforest, to ensure the long-term health of the rainforest and its communities. The highlight of the announcement was a new system of "lighter-touch" logging regulations that will maintain 50% of the natural level of old growth forest of all ecosystems across the region. This translates to an additional 700,000 hectares (1.7 million acres) of forest set aside from logging. 

 Environmental groups, along with the Province, industry and First Nations have agreed on a five-year plan that would see the long-term goals of low ecological risk and high quality of life in communities, achieved by 2014.

Check out the Tides Canada website for the full story.