Endswell Foundation: Announces “Mission Achieved” – Now What?

After 15 years of pursuing an aggressive mission to fund systemic change in BC, Renewal has, through a combination of investments, grants and collaborations, successfully accomplished the first stage of our mission. Renewal Partners investments have spurred the growth of businesses at the forefront of economic and environmental innovation, and Endswell Foundation’s completed long planned spend-down strategy has provided for valuable infrastructure and the capacity necessary to create immediate and long-lasting impact in our province. It's an exciting time, as we leverage a 15-year track-record and expertise to carry forward the legacy of the Renewal’s collective work through Renewal2 Investment Fund and Tides Canada, while pursuing possible new ventures.

We are thrilled to share a few high level accomplishments: Successful investments in leading North American social mission businesses, including, SPUD, Horizon Distributors, Capers, Happy Planet Foods, Salt Spring Coffee, Seventh Generation, Stonyfield Farm, Jantzi Research and New Society Publishers; deployment of $60M over 15 years through investments, grants and sponsorships focused in our region; through the Endswell Foundation, we provided over 700 grants which totalled over $20M of the $60 in the environmental and social justice sectors in B.C.; creation and launch of Canada’s first social venture fund - Renewal2 Investment Fund; and the incubation of Tides Canada and Tides Canada Initiatives.

We are extremely proud of our team and recognize that our success would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of each member. As we transition and restructure, we are committed to doing our best to support the next steps in their careers.  

As part of the next stage in our work, the goal is to leverage our 15-year track-record and experience to become the Strategic Partners of choice in helping individuals, organizations, and businesses to engage their financial resources to work comprehensively in a platform of social impact. We plan to develop new strategic client initiatives, develop a series of Renewal2 Investment Funds, educate and collaborate through gatherings such as Play BIG and Social Venture Institute (SVI), and leverage opportunities for new entrepreneurial ventures.

When Carol Newell and I joined forces in 1994 and set out on this mission of systemic change, we had no idea what the future would hold.   15 years later as we take time to reflect – I think Carol has said it best, “our accomplishments have far exceeded my wildest dreams.”